
spring has sprung


Hi! How did your first days of spring go? I sufficiently avoided anything productive and explored the forest, the park, and a farmers market. A perfect way to ring in the new season! Everything is in bloom all over, and I’m really feeling the changing of the season, even in a place that is generally super nice. Anyway, new season, new set of photos! Here are my latest 'sunny' pics! Enjoy! 

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13 komentarze

  1. Hi Aniela. Sounds lovely! It's always nice when you start to get those sunny warmer days and plants start to green up. We are definitely into our Autumn now in Australia. Not looking forward to winter, even though we have had a long warm summer. But the change in trees and the garden is pretty nice so it's not all bad! Your mini buffet looks delicious and summery!

  2. Śliczne owoce i słodycze. Nie umiałabym zrobić tak niewuelkich elementów. Pozdrawiam :)

  3. Śliczne owoce i słodycze. Nie umiałabym zrobić tak niewuelkich elementów. Pozdrawiam :)

  4. Your spread on the table is a very creative mix! I love the pineapple and the slices of lemon especially, but the entire composition has Great color, line and texture- Well Done :))

  5. Love the blue table against the white-washed wall with all the different colors of the fruit and food (which all looks very realistic). Happy Spring! It is still cold here, so I am still hoping it will come soon!

  6. Wszystko wygląda tak genialnie. :D
    U mnie też raczej mało działania, dużo spacerów. Ale szkoda marnować taką pogodę, nawet jeśli miałoby się tworzyć. ;)

  7. Ananas bardzo mi się podoba :) A widok ciastek sprawił, że zgłodniałam ;-)

  8. Hello Aniela,
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog.
    I love your spread! The pineapple leaves me mouthwatering and wanting to have the real thing right now!
    The sun is shining at the moment, tulips are in bloom, it's a beautiful season!

  9. Świetne <3 Dawno nie lepiłam, zainspirowałaś mnie :o Wyglądają bardzo realistycznie ♥

  10. Ale cudeńka robisz - wyglądają jak żywe! Podziwiam :)

  11. Very great work, I love this!!!!!!!!




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